Thursday, August 31, 2006

D Minus For Effort

More and more I think a lot of features of the natural world are just ludicrous. Life's supposed to be a trial, I know. But some things just seem sloppy. So I'd be grateful if God, evolution or both could sort out the following:
Clouds on mountains
The only point of mountains is the view you get from the top. Half the time you don't get one because of the damn clouds. And the higher the mountain, so the better the potential view, the more likely there is to be clouds. If we must have clouds anywhere except the sky, let them go down to the plains. There's nothing to see there anyway.
Yes, I know. Pain is useful because it's a warning. But I think we've reached a stage in our development where we recognise that blood spurting out of our skin, say, is a bad thing. And for the less visible bodily malfunctions, some sort of bell or light device can surely be devised. Anyway, it's not as if we actually do anything when we feel pain. We just take some painkillers.
They come out at night and then just fly for the nearest source of light. I mean, really. If you like the darkness so much, stay in it. And if you prefer light, why don't you just come out during the day? It's pretty much everywhere then.
I challenge anyone to find a point to this. If it's actually a punishment for something humanity's doing wrong, fair enough. Tell us what it is and we'll repent. Otherwise we rather need those nostrils to breath through, thank you very much.
The most fertile soil is found on the slopes of volcanos. So everyone farms there and lots of people die whenever there's an eruption. Oh the irony etc. What's wrong with putting the best land in the safest parts of the world? And anyway, why should being covered with molten rock make soil fertile in the first place? It's absurd when you think about it. (See also: why should being covered in cow crap make soil fertile?)
Even nature commentators, trained to adopt tones of awe when telling us how something can eat beetles, sound exasperated when they get to the pandas. They only eat bamboo. They only eat a certain type of bamboo. And bamboo is rubbish for nuitrition. Plus, they seem to hate sex. This is a species yearning for extinction and perhaps we should just let them get on with it.
Ducks and pigeons
Both are phenomenal flyers. Ducks can reach the fastest speeds in the world; flocks of pigeons can swoop and soar in beautiful formations. Why, then, do they all spend most of their time waddling clumsily along the ground getting in our way? Go to your strengths for Christ's sake.

What guarantees that you won't get to sleep? Thinking about going to sleep. Actually meaning to do it. You can only get sleep if you forget what you're supposed to be doing. It's survival of the absent-minded and explains an awful lot about our species.

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