Bleuch. Felt a cold starting last night. It really kicked in today, with all the flu-like paraphernalia which accompanies the early stages of my colds. What's annoying is that no other family members have colds, and I've barely been in contact with anyone else this last week, so where did it come from? Can you get bird flu from being pecked by swans? Anyway, we drove to Windermere yet again in the morning, to go to the same visitors centre we frequented last year. It's not a bad place actually. The house is a small but baroque whitewashed manor, the gardens multi-functional but mainly woodlands. The girls mucked around in the adventure playground for a time, we strolled through the woods, more stones were hurled into Windermere, we had lunch. Would have been very pleasant if it wasn't raining and if you don't have a cold. We went to another lake afterwards. I decided another slo-mo walk through drizzle wouldn't be much fun so stayed in the car, then caught the first lift back. Went to bed for a couple of hours afterwards and Lorna got into a strop with me because I wouldn't play the damn cock-a-doodle-do game with her. Not a good end to the holiday.
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